City of Van Alstyne
support: Development Services: (903) 482-5426 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Mon.-Fri. or e-mail us.

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Van Alstyne, Texas

Development Services

(903) 482-5426

152 N Main Dr

Post Office Box 247

Van Alstyne, TX 75495


The City of Van Alstyne provides this website and the content contained within to assist you in accessing city services, information, and other related items. By accessing and using this website, you are agreeing to the Terms of Use and disclaimers included herein:

Copyright Statement

  • The images, logos, written work, media, text, graphics, trademarks, copyright material, and any other information contained in this website are all property of their respective owners and the City of Van Alstyne does not give permission for any information on this website to be used in a commercial manner without the prior express written consent from the City of Van Alstyne.

Website Disclaimer Statement

  • The information on this website is for informational purposes only. Do not rely on any information provided on this website, you must contact the City directly to verify the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or content found on this website. There are delays for updates to the website, and sometimes those delays are significant. Some information on this website is controlled by legislative or judicial actions and decisions; therefore, is subject to change without notice or warning.
  • This website contains information provided from third parties, from third-party websites, and this website provides links to access third party websites. This information is provided solely for your convenience. The City of Van Alstyne does not endorse any information provided by third parties and the City cannot validate the accuracy, content, information, or subject matter from third parties. The City is not responsible and disclaims any or all liability from the reliance on information provided by third parties.
  • This website provides links to third party websites. Once you leave the City of Van Alstyne’s website you are no longer subject to the City of Van Alstyne’s policies and are subject to the policies of the third party website which includes security and privacy policies.
  • This website may include information from or links to non-profit organizations and associations that benefit city services. These non-profit organizations are not subject to City control, provide their own funding, and are governed by their respective board of directors. Links on this website for non-profit organizations are for convenience purposes only, the City does not endorse any information provided from these organizations, and the City is unable to validate the accuracy, content, information, or subject matter of any information or websites from these organizations and associations. A non-exhaustive list of organizations includes: Van Alstyne Fire Fighter’s Association, Friends of the Library, Van Alstyne Senior Center, Van Alstyne Museum, Van Alstyne Historical Society, and Keep Van Alstyne Beautiful.

Website Security Statement

  • Forms on this website collect user information for informational purposes and to assist the city in responding to your request. This information will be used solely for business purposes and will not intentionally be released, provided to, or sold to third parties. The information you provide may be subject to release under the Public Information Act and the City is required to comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws pertaining to the release of information. The City is unable to guarantee the privacy of any information you submit.
  • Any posts, comments, or other information posted on message boards, blogs, linked social media accounts of the City, or another forum that permits posts are not endorsed by the City in any way. The City is unable to verify, validate, or control any information posted in these areas. The City reserves the right to delete any posts, comments, or other information that could be construed as indecent, disparaging, discriminatory, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate for the City website or City social media accounts.
  • Any information provided to the city through website forms, website message boards, blogs, links, social media accounts, email, or other type of electronic communication will not be construed as legal notice to the City including employees, agents, officers, members of council, organizations, or agencies that are affiliated with the City in any way.
  • Should any City of Van Alstyne website disclaimers, terms of use, privacy statements, or security statements be declared unconstitutional, invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, or invalid based on legislative action, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.




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